I put Chase down last night at 7:45 and he went to sleep right away. I was expecting him to get up at least three times because of his teeth. He didn't wake up until 4:45am. I was so excited. I went in to check on him and he was on his tummy. He flipped over some time in the night. I was pumped. I made Justin come look. We both just stood there looking at him. I put him on his back and he was NOT happy. He eventually fell back asleep.
So I have been hearing everyone's advice on teething. Everything from bourbon (don't think I haven't considered that if there was any in our house) to give Chase a pork bone to gnaw on. Two people at work told Justin to do that. Never heard that before. Then my friend, Erin, commented below on random advice she got from her little girl's "Old Mountain Woman" great grandma.
So, what's the most random advice you've gotten to help with teething. I love hearing them. They make me laugh.
I went to a baby shower this morning while Justin stayed with Chase. It was so nice to have "adult conversation" and Justin loves having alone time with Chase. They get to do "guy things."
Hope everyone has a great weekend!