Tuesday, November 20, 2007

One Man's Trash.....

Someone threw away a refrigerator and put a sign on the outside saying, "Still Works." Justin brought it to the shop and said we were going to use it. I thought that thing is so disgusting and it will never look good. Justin asked me to clean it up and I said okay like any good administrative assistant would! After a few hours, a bottle of clorox cleanup, one majic eraser, one scotch brite pad, and 1.5 rolls of paper towels, it was finished! Look at the pictures. I am proud of my little clean-up job. I already put in my Diet Dr. Pepper!


Summer said...

good job! what hard work.

Dara said...

and that is just what David would have done - good job amanda - that is just being a good steward! love that!

daine said...

Diet Dr Pepper! That stuff tastes like stepchildren Tylenol

sue baggett said...

you are the woman!