Thursday, March 12, 2009

New Layout

I am trying to "jazz" things up a bit. Can anyone tell me how to center the picture of Chase on my header???

It's stressing me out.



Karina said...

No, I can't tell you how to center the photo. I do want to know what Chase's paper reads :O)

Delilah said...

What the hell are you doing to my baby?

Amanda Gregory said...

It was NYE. He was a party ANIMAL!!!

It's more than a job... said...

Amanda - hi! Make sure that you have selected "Minima" as your blog template. Save that change and then see what happens. You may still need to tweak the size of the "header" by editing the html code. I know how to do that (Well...trial and error), so let me know if you want me to fool around with it. The only thing is, you'd have to send me your sign in information (if you trust me!). Let me know!

erinmcfavorite said...

Haha, you said "jazz things up."