Monday, July 28, 2008

Fun Weekend

I got to see my friend, Karina, this weekend in Austin. We had a blast. We will soon again be neighbors. I can't wait. She is pregnant and due in 6 short weeks. Daine, if you just read that, I didn't mean to freak you out!

Karina also wins the "Nursery of the Year" award. It is so cute!!!


Delilah said...

You guys look great!

Judy Borawski said...

Is that what you call a meeting of the "bellies". I love pregnancy and seeing pregnant people. I loved being pregnant. Lets see some pictures of her nursery. Hugs and kisses, Aunt Judy

Karina said...

It was such a blast to have you in town.

daine said...

hey you left your Pssssst under the sink.

Dara said...

no fair i wanted to be there so sosososososossosososososo bad!
i miss you guys - we have november - get ready!