Wednesday, July 23, 2008

My New BFF's

I have some new best friends in Alpine. They are the produce men at our local grocery store. On my mission to pack in an organized manor, I have started to ask for banana boxes at both our grocery stores. The one store that I shop at all the time seems kind of annoyed that I keep asking for these. The other store has been great. They have boxes ready for me at lunchtime and right after work. The guy asked me today if I was building a house out of cardboard. I smiled and told him we we were moving.

If you are moving anytime soon, I suggest you use only banana boxes. They are heavy duty, have lids, and handles. They also stack nicely in the trailer!

Our house in Alpine is starting to look empty.


Sara said...

The bajillion times we moved in College Station, we always got boxes from the t-shirt shop where I used to work. They crushed hundreds of boxes every day, and they were happy for us to take them off their hands. We used those things over and over and over.

Once we moved into our house, though, I had a little ceremony while toting them out to the curb. I was so freaking tired of moving, I don't care if I never see another Hanes Hef-T t-shirt box again!

Judy Borawski said...

If you have a McDonalsd's in Alpine ask them for French Fry boxes. They are very sturdy but do not have handles but you can a V shape easily into the side of the box and push the V into the box and you have a nice padded handle. Don't overdue, I wish I could be there to help. Lots of hugs and kisses, Aunt Judy

Summer said...

SWEET. Try a liquor store, too. Those boxes are great!

Dara said...

yeah - back to austin I can't wait - i hope we can see you in november

The Texas VicHorns said...

So sad! I am going to miss you guys.

Good to know about the banana boxes though. I guess we will be needing them soon too!

Have fun this weekend!!