Friday, June 27, 2008

Is my memory that good?

Last night I was sleeping peacefully at 9:25pm. I heard my phone ring but I decided not to answer it because I was already sleeping really well and I didn't feel like getting up to answer it. Then, about 1 minute later I hear Boots start to bark and Justin walks into the bedroom with the phone in his hand. I hear him say to me, "It's your sister on the phone." I instantly panic. She never calls both of our phones. Are the kids okay? Has David been in a wreck? Is their house on fire? I say hello and she says, "Hi! I'm sorry to wake you but do you remember how much I pay my housekeeper? She's coming tomorrow and I can't remember." My jaw dropped! I said, " pay her $100.00 in cash." She replies, "Thanks...that's what I thought but I couldn't remember for sure." We both say goodbye and Justin wants to know if everything was okay. I explain the conversation to him and he thought it was really scary that I knew the amount and my sister didn't.

I guess the reason I'm blogging about this is because my entire family has always teased me because I seem to misplace things a lot. My sister has always been the worst about it. Well, I guess she can't make fun anymore. I may be a little scatter brained at times but my memory is like a steel trap!

p.s. I would post a picture of Delilah and me but I can't remember where I put the latest one...


Sara said...

Ha ha. You should have told her that she usually gives $100 to the housekeeper and $20 to you. What? She doesn't remember that?

Judy Borawski said...

Maybe since she hasn't had a housekeeper for too long she couldn't remember. Once the habit sets in it will be easier to remember. Plus when you have a job and two small children it can drain on your memory. ( I remember well). Don't be too hard on her. Lots of hugs and kisses. Aunt Judy

Monica said...

That is too funny. You got to love sisters!

The Texas VicHorns said...

Hilarious! You have the memory of an elephant, even preggo!

Delilah said...

I forgot to mention I had already had a bottle of wine!!

Dara said...

that is too hilarious!